Stregthening the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Environment and subordinate units to improve biodiversity policies

(cod SIPOCA 594, cod SMIS 127465)


Expected results


1.        Development of the necessary guidelines for a unitary national-level appropriate assessment procedure

Ø  2 appropriate assessment guides

-  Methodological guide regarding the appropriate assessment of plans’ or projects’ potential effects on community important protected natural areas;

-   Specific methodological guide regarding the appropriate assessment of plans/projects for areas of interest;

Ø 4 specific studies for the following areas of interest:

-   Transport infrastructure (road, rail, energy, etc.)

-   Energy generation (hydroelectric, wind, etc);

-   Extraction of non-renewable resources;

-   Planning schemes/projects (spatial planning/land use, hydrographic planning, forestry planning).

2.        Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the national legislation

Ø  Guides regarding The Nagoya Protocol implementation 

Ø  Development of a platform for information exchange and monitoring the use of genetic resources 





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